
2025 for SCORPIO 

Art by Suzanne Ashmore

In the New Year, the destiny-inspiring North Moon Node joins Saturn and Neptune in your 5th solar house of playful self-expression, creativity, romance and children. Time to have some fun while carrying on the healing work of Chiron who continues through your 6th house. From May on, Mother Ceres will be softening the pain of traumatic memories surfacing, urging you to nurture rather than scold yourself.  From February to June, Venus adds a dose of self-love and attraction.  In March, Mercury's first retrograde in Pisces will offer a chance to slow down and reflect on what you want to create this year, including the possibility of a child.  Fierce, wise and compassionate goddesses Pallas Athene, Chariklo and Kaali are on your side, helping resolve struggles within your home and family; who you feel yourself to be may not resonate with the more traditional conventions of your lineage. Uranus moves out of your house of relationship into that concerned with the deep issues of empowerment.  Whatever you decide to commit to, it will not be a casual affair but something or someone that will meaningfully influence your life.  From July, magnanimous Jupiter offers study and travel opportunities, stimulating Scorpio's joy in investigative sleuthing of life's mysteries. 

SCORPIO Forecast for 2024
Pluto, the modern-day ruler of Scorpio, moves into Aquarius, your 4th solar house, in January and is joined briefly in February by Scorpio's traditional ruler, Mars. You can expect an intense burst of transformation in the deep roots of your being. Subconscious conditioning from childhood, ancestral and past life patterning surface and demand resolution. Asteroid goddesses Pallas Athene and Kaali, travelling through Scorpio and Sagittarius, support you in having the courage to redefine yourself, your beliefs and your value systems. Embrace this work, which will bring ineffable rewards of spiritual growth. Mercury's retrograde period in Aries in April gives you a chance to pause, take a breather and reflect on your future direction. Honest communication is essential. Mother Ceres, in your 3rd solar house for most of the year, advises self-responsibility and nurturing, paying particular attention to the needs of your inner child. Saturn working its way through Pisces makes you acutely sensitive to the suffering in the world. Escaping through addictive habits and fantasy worlds may be tempting. Instead, focus on experiencing the joy and love inherent in each present moment. There is the potential to give your dreams and visions structural foundations while letting go of anything that doesn't stand up to a thorough reality check. 

Your Zodiac Sign


Scorpio ~ Geyser 24 October – 22 November
Physical correlations:
Sexual organs, bladder, bowel, immune system
Celestial Correlations: Pluto
Gemstones: Garnet, obsidian

The healing wisdom of Scorpio is LETTING GO
Scorpio is a Water sign heated in the deepest darkest caverns of the Underworld. "Transformation at any cost" could be Scorpio's motto, the compost heap their temple of renewal. Liking to delve into other's unconscious minds they tend to defensively guard the secrets of their own inner demons. Understanding human emotions and motivation they can be compassionate healers. Scorpio's tarot card is Death and her symbols - the Scorpion, Snake and Bird - appear among the earliest evidence of human life on earth. Death can be seen as a benevolent force, returning beings to the womb of the Mother to be reborn. Snake shedding her skins symbolises this letting go and reemergence.

1 comment

  • Thank you for sharing this. It’s great!


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