2025 for GEMINI

The year begins and ends with messenger Mercury and commitment goddess Juno in your 7th solar house of relationships. In the months between, Juno, in your 6th house, will be working to ensure you have a healthy relationship with yourself, with your body/mind and emotions. In April, Mercury retrogrades in your 10th/11th solar houses of highest public vocation/success and friendship/group affiliations and community); in July, Mercury is in your 3rd house of communication, short-distance travel and neighbourly/sibling connections; in November, Mercury is back retrograde in your 7th house with Juno. During the first half of the year, expansive Jupiter is in Gemini, providing a healthy dose of self-love, while maverick Uranus entering Gemini in July adds inventive eccentricity and surprising opportunities for growth. Saturn, the North Moon Node and a Total Full Moon Eclipse in your 10th solar house point to a year that will further your public reputation. Home and family concerns and intimacy needs pull in the opposite direction, so it will demand some juggling of priorities. Know what you most value in life, and then go for it, Gemini. Your nimble agility allows you to juggle quite a few balls in the air with ease and enjoyment.
GEMINI Forecast for 2024
Opportunities to deepen your knowledge of the intuitive psyche realms continue to arise, with Jupiter meeting Uranus in the hidden, under-conscious area of your being in April. In May, Jupiter crossing into Gemini imprints this knowledge onto your sense of who you are, the personal projected identity, how you see the world and how the world sees you. Use your intuition and psychic powers to positively change what you see needs changing in your immediate environment. Prophetic Asbolus has been in Gemini recently, leaving for Cancer in June, and priestess Vesta is in your sign until April. When in doubt, go inside, meditate and ask for guidance. The Moon Nodes in your 11th/5th houses indicate a change of heart direction, calling in new friendships and evolutionary group associations. Mercury's second retrograde period in April is an excellent time to reflect on your future direction and what still needs healing (Chiron) in ongoing friendship associations. Are there some influences you must leave behind to follow your unique path? What new commitments and responsibilities are you considering taking on? Pallas Athene is in your 7th house for much of the year, lending her perceptive intelligence, courage and healing powers to help you better understand the roles intimacy and relationships play in your life.
Your Zodiac Sign

Lungs, shoulders, arms, nervous system
Celestial Correlations: Mercury
Gemstones: Quartz crystal, Tiger's Eye
The healing wisdom of Gemini is KNOWLEDGE
The first Air sign of the Zodiac specialises in mercurial changes. Geminis like to shift the furniture around and tend to read the last page of a book first. Many myths concerning twins and sister goddesses symbolise dark and light polarities, and the search for wholeness through integration of our hidden sides. Geminis are like exquisite birds who light down near you, then dart away with a flash of colourful feathers, following curiosity and the allure of other brighter flowers. The Lovers tarot card shows the dilemma of seeing self mirrored in other, and deciding whether to merge into one or focus on duality.