
LEO Forecast for 2024


For the first couple of months of 2024, high-energy creativity and a typical heart-centred enthusiasm for life graces Leo's existence. Mercury, Venus and Mars stir up a communicative, playful energy that could spell romance and having fun with children. Mother Ceres' presence suggests joyful parenting and the possibility of conception. Spiritual warrior and healer Pallas Athene gives wise guidance when needed. With Jupiter/Uranus in your house of highest vocational in April, you may be invited to lead a far-sighted project in a field close to your heart. Later in the year, you'll have ample opportunity to share with like-minded others. Partnership and commitment in working relationships that bring in your daily bread will add to feelings of satisfaction, achievement and self-worth. Pluto is moving into your 7th relationship house to stay for the next twenty years. Start thinking about your connection with others, especially with the most intimate. Are there reoccurring patterns you would like to release, transform or evolve into a higher expression of love? Saturn continues to bring karmic lessons in sex, death/rebirth, inheritance and shared resources. Use the solar eclipse portals (in April and October) to release past self-deception and embrace the expression of your most authentic true self.

Leo Forecast for 2023     Love is Always the Answer

Venus, the goddess of love, desire and beauty, is in Leo from May until October. Lucky Leos! What a marvellous invitation to live and love out loud! In your house of relationship until March, Saturn provides a sobering influence, and from March - June, Pluto has its first taste of Aquarius (your 7th house), where it will be for the next 20 years. Juno meets Venus in Leo in September, suggesting a soul mate commitment. For the remainder of the year and until May 2025, form giving Saturn is in your house of sex, death, inheritance and shared resources. The consequences of romantic adventures launched this year will keep showing up. In July, the burden of responsibility to fulfil your highest aspirations and achieve business and/or community leadership lifts. Spiritual growth and renewed philosophical understandings are now your goals. Expansive Jupiter stimulates an ardent wish to study and travel in search of greater meaning. Make the most of the lucky breaks that come your way with innovation and progressive development on your favourite projects. Mercury's retrogrades encourage you to step back and review your working life. Are you doing what brings you joy and is in harmony with your values? Use the eclipse energy to let go of anything that isn't working and change direction if necessary.

Zodiac Sign


Leo ~ Flame 23 July – 23 August
Physical correlations: Heart, spine and back
Celestial Correlations: Sun
Gemstones: Amber, rhodochrosite

The healing wisdom of Leo is PLAY
Fixed Fire sign Leo, is a big cuddly kitten at heart. It is said that "All love originates with self-love", and that's Leo. In the temple zodiacs of ancient Egypt, Leo appears as a Goddess with a Lion, signifying dignity and respect. In India and Tibet, the star goddess Tara is shown riding the cosmic lion and holding the sun in the palm of her hand. Depicted as a playful adolescent, Tara sees life for the game it is, and helps others become enlightened. Leos shine for the sheer joy of it, their charismatic energy making them natural leaders. Like the child in all of us, they love to perform and to be praised. The Strength tarot card shows the great power of befriending our life force energy.

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