
CAPRICORN Forecast for 2024


After fifteen years, evolutionary transformer Pluto is finally moving on from Capricorn, entering Aquarius in late January, retrograding and dipping back into your sign in September, and leaving Capricorn for good (at least for the next 248 years!) just in time for New Year 2025. In your 2nd solar house representing values and resources, Pluto will be concerned with your value systems and self-esteem. Losses and breakdowns may be followed by new opportunities arising to fill the spaces. The South Moon Node in your 10th house reiterates the theme of needing to let go of patterns associated with the expectation of others in vocational, professional or business life. The North Moon Node pulls toward home and family and the full expression of your authentic self therein. With Saturn continuing through your 3rd house of conscious communication, you may want to give your ideas and networking more structure. Mother Ceres will be with you most of the year, encouraging the love of your new identity, resonating with the unspoilt vigour of your inner child. Jupiter meeting Uranus in your 5th house in April could mean romance, have you jumping for joy and leaping into unusual creative projects. From May, Jupiter carries this expansive energy into your health routines and working environment.

CAPRICORN Forecast for 2023     Trust Your Self

As Pluto begins its move out of Capricorn into Aquarius in March, you will feel some societal transformation burdens lift from your shoulders. Retrograde Pluto is back in June, not leaving for good until January 2024. Capricorns are known for their thoroughness and patience, and Pluto is intensely focused on change. Make the most of this time to clear out lingering power-over problem patterns in your life. When in doubt or tempted to self-sabotage, remember Pluto's transforming heart. Think/feel the LOVE. With your planet Saturn transiting your 3rd house, focus on fully trusting your innate ability to communicate effectively with those in your immediate environment. Neptune's long transit through Pisces has dissolved some of structure-loving Capricorn's boundaries, giving you greater access to your natural intuition, visionary senses and compassionate understanding of others. Pallas Athene and then Vesta spend time in your relationship house, gifting courage and wisdom to try out new ways of being with intimate others. Your love life and creativity continue to go through revolutionary changes through the agency of Uranus and the North Moon Node, inspiring a reassessment of values and the direction you are heading in. Add Jupiter's expansive power, and the expression of your true Self blossoms.

Your Zodiac Sign


Capricorn ~ Mountain
22 December – 20 January

Physical correlations:
Skeleton, skin, teeth, hair, gall bladder
Celestial Correlations: Saturn
Gemstones: Diamond, onyx

Healing wisdom of Capricorn is RESPONSIBILITY (response-ability)
Capricorn's constellation, Amaltheia, was an early tribal goddess replaced by the Olympians and then revered in the heavens as a divine goat. It was one of her horns that became the Cornucopia which signifies material abundance. Earthy Capricorns can be serious kids or silly older goats. Having an innate understanding of material form and social structures, they are both practical and sensual. They enjoy climbing the mountain for the experience and the achievement, knowing that the hard steep part is an integral part of the process. The Devil (originally Pan) tarot card reminds Capricorn that the material world can be a trap if not properly respected as divine Nature Herself.

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