
PISCES Forecast for 2024


In January, Pluto moves into your natural 12th house to stay until 2044 (with just a brief backtrack into Capricorn in September). What the underworld transformer finds in the cosmic waters of your under-conscious may need to go through a death/rebirth. It could feel like the eruption of an under-ocean volcano, nothing that Pisces can't handle, tuning into dominant currents, going with the flow, and riding the subsequent tsunami of emotions. Saturn in Pisces tests and strengthens your sometimes fragile sense of identity. In July, Saturn, Nessus and Neptune turn retrograde in Pisces, revisiting karmic themes and urging you to become "a better ancestor" for your descendants. With Juno travelling through your house of relationships and the South Moon Node in the place of shared resources and power, aim to move away from any co-dependent relating and patterns of victim/rescuer/persecutor. With the North Moon Node in Aries, we are all learning to express our most authentic selves and meet each other on a soul level. On September 18th, a partial Lunar Eclipse of the Pisces Full Moon begins the next Pisces/Virgo eclipse cycle, providing a gateway for releasing the past and inviting future spiritual redemption. Go for it, Pisces; know your true self and share your universal wisdom. 

PISCES Forecast for 2023     Deep Soul Diving

2023 begins with Juno and Vesta moving through the last degrees of Pisces, meeting Neptune on their way into Aries, intensifying your focus on illuminated spirituality, and diving deep to connect with your soul and the soul dimension in others. Juno will meet Venus in your 6th house of healing in September and be in your 7th house of relationship from mid-October into 2024. Until September, Mother Ceres focuses your attention on relationships, power dynamics, sex and shared resources, tuning you to nurture and sustain all that feels good and healthy in these areas of your life. Saturn will move into Pisces in March, where it will be based until July 2025, acting as a stabilising agent, an anchoring rock in the turbulent ocean of deep feelings. Using Saturn wisely is an art. What dreams do you want to craft into manifestation, and what boundaries do you need to set to avoid fear-filled emotions taking over? Work on consciously knowing your limits. In March, Pluto begins its transit through Aquarius and your natural 12th house, settling in to stay for the next 20 years in 2024. As Saturn strengthens your sometimes fragile sense of individual identity, Pluto deepens the underlying intuitive field of consciousness that connects you to universal being.

Your Zodiac Sign


Pisces ~ Ocean 19 February – 21 March
Physical correlations: Lymphatic system, feet
Celestial Correlations: Neptune
Gemstones: Amethyst, jade

The healing wisdom of Pisces is TRUST
Sumerian goddess Nammu, whose name means Ocean, is the earliest recorded deity who created everything in the Universe. Nina, another aspect of the same goddess, had a fish tail and swam in the sea. She interpreted dreams and was a prophetess known for her compassion. In touch with all of life Pisces tends to feel the suffering of others as their own. Meditative reflection is the pathway to their own healing centre. In love, they can be caught in a net of illusions or positively experience true ecstatic bliss. The Moon tarot card is all about Neptune's misty realms of empathy and intuition.

1 comment

  • Thank you so much for this inspiring and deeply resonate reading. Being born 0 degrees Aries, on the Pisces cusp on the 21st of March, I more often than not feel misunderstood. So, I truly appreciate that you listed my birthdate as officially belonging to Pisces! I’ve always felt I was a Pisces in my depth of soulful beingness (despite Aries being revealing in my eyebrows and a certain measure of innocence despite my ocean deep knowing). Thank you.

    I look forward to revisiting your website often. It’s a wonderful place to linger and peruse.


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