
2025 for AQUARIUS 

Art by Gina Hubert

The year begins with Pluto, now in Aquarius, until 2044, supported by Venus and Ceres,  setting a tone of love and caring to gentle Pluto's ardour for radical change.   Compassionate healer Chariklo, halfway through Aquarius now, adds a feeling of tolerance and a deep understanding of diversity. You will receive sustained guidance from the Divine Feminine as you move with the power of transformative Pluto. Aquarius' concern with the individual and the group working in harmony is of prime importance. Humanity needs to awaken collectively if we are to truly evolve as a species.  Early in the year, Mars is in Leo, your 7th house.  Mercury's second retrograde period is in Leo during the winter months, suggesting a focus on getting things done in relationships. In July, your modern sign ruler, Uranus, moves into Gemini and your 5th solar house.  The freedom-loving rebel will inspire self-expressive creativity, connections with children and a surprise potential romance.  Jupiter moving into Cancer urges uplifting wellness in your workplace and through a focus on everyday health routines.  Use that zany creativity to the full and try something new, e.g. yoga, if you're into martial arts, cycling or swimming, instead of being overly involved with tech concerns and screen time, etc.

AQUARIUS Forecast for 2024
Underworld transformer Pluto settles into Aquarius in February until 2044 (with just a brief backtrack into Capricorn this September). In April, Jupiter meets your associated planet, revolutionary Uranus, in your 4th house of roots, home and family. The opposite 10th house of public profile and vocation is occupied by spiritual warrior Pallas Athene and fierce empowering Kaali, while the destiny-directing North Moon Node is in your 3rd house of communication. Challenges to be wholly yourself come from all sides. You are being asked to take the lead and share your uniquely innovative ideas about the way forward for humanity. With Chiron and the North Node in Aries, we are all being asked to heal the deep wounds that prevent us from expressing our true natures, our most authentic selves now. Memories of influential traumas, maybe in past lives, surface and pull you into studying your basic philosophies and beliefs about life. The times when Mercury is retrograde will help, allowing your super-busy mind to calm down, reflect and meditate. Relationship power dynamics and commitment questions have already been centre stage up to this time, with Juno travelling through your 8th house of death/rebirth, resource sharing and empowerment. Mars, too, ends the year in Leo, your relationship home.  

Your Zodiac Sign

Aquarius ~ Airwaves
20 January – 19 February
Physical correlations:
Kidneys, adrenals, acid/alkaline balance
Celestial Correlations: Uranus
Gemstones: Sapphire, aquamarine
The healing wisdom of Aquarius is INTUITIVE INSIGHT  Exemplifying Aquarius, Egyptian goddess Nuit arched over the Earth giving birth to the sun each day and accepting it back into her body at night. Tears from her eyes and milk from her breasts flowed down to nurture the Earth. This air sign is always looking for ways to improve things for humanity as a whole. Ingenious inventors, Aquarians are inspired by futuristic visions and flashes of insight, talents based in their ability to distance themselves from immediate involvement. They love group energies, idealise friendship and individual freedom. The Star tarot card shows the pouring out of cosmic waters.

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