
LIBRA Forecast for 2024


Venus begins 2024 in your 3rd solar house of communication, siblings and neighbourliness. In 2024, Pallas Athene, also linked in rulership to Libra, concentrates her attention on two signs, Scorpio and Sagittarius, your 2nd and 3rd solar houses, and asteroid Kaali is also in Scorpio until the end of June. Kaali, similar in energy to Pluto and Scorpio, shows where we can release destructive karmic patterning and constructively channel power and sexual energy. Like Uranus, she is associated with Kundalini rising. By following the guidance of these goddesses focused in the 2nd and 3rd houses, you will be assured of acquiring resources to support yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Jupiter, opposite in your 8th house, supports self-empowerment in sharing resources regarding death/rebirth and sexuality. With the South Moon Node in Libra, processing of past karma, generational in its scope, is a central theme for this year. The North Moon Node in your house of relationship calls for more authenticity, especially in intimate partnerships. Mercury, through Aries conjunct Chiron in March and then retrograde in April, will remind you to take time out to reflect on what still needs healing and the direction you want your relationships to take. Mother Ceres advises much inner child self-nurturing.

LIBRA Forecast for 2023      Set New Intentions

The Moon Nodes and the Eclipses are moving this year, shifting from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra, highlighting Librans' familiar theme of self and other balance. Jupiter moves out of your 7th Taurus and into your 8th house in May. Partnerships begun under expansive Jupiter's influence will be tested in the ongoing reality of sharing power and resources, particularly in sexual relationships. Uranus has been stirring the pot, demanding a review of what is of real value to you. The eclipse portals offer opportunities to ditch the old and reset directions and intentions. With Mother Ceres in your 1st and 12th houses in the first half of the year, nurture your unique Self, embracing what brings you joy while being aware of the needs of the whole. Your planet Venus, in Leo and your 11th house of community May-October, baths your friendship and group associations in a loving, creative light. Wise spiritual warrior Pallas Athene, eternal flame keeper Vesta and a natural sign reading specialist Asbolus spend extended periods in your 10th house. You may be invited to front a caring community project, be offered a business promotion, or be asked to mentor and teach others. Just keep remembering the ongoing nourishment of your own precious body, mind and spirit.

Your Zodiac Sign


Libra ~ Breath 23 September – 24 October
Physical correlations:
Kidneys, adrenals, acid/alkaline balance
Celestial Correlations: Venus, Juno
Gemstones: Emerald, jasper

The healing wisdom of Libra is HARMONY
Cardinal Air sign Libra is a mediator who tries to create balance and harmony between polarities. Perfect angels themselves, Libras love to play devil's advocate, sometimes triggering the violence they hate by trying to bring sworn enemies together. Libra's Venus smile can melt an ice cube at ten paces. Their guiding principle, the spirit of cosmic law, is personified in Egyptian goddess Maat. To see whether a soul was ready for the next evolutionary stage of growth, she used the ankh of peace to weigh human hearts against the lightness of an ostrich feather. The Justice tarot card weighs all possibilities in the search for Truth.

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